If after several years, you are not seeing that person anymore, it's time to move on right? but once in a while, that person pops in your head, and you imagine your life with that person in the past...it's difficult to say the least....How do you stop thinking of an ex?
I think everyone goes in for dreaming about what-might-have been occasionally, but the trick is not to dwell on it too much. You say your ex only pops into your head ';once in a while';, which suggests that a lot of the time you feel that you have moved on. Well, the next time he/she pops into your head, don't let yourself brood on what life used to be like. Start doing something that will keep you busy, even if it's only cleaning the house or digging the garden. Better still, ring up a friend or two and go out with them.
You see, you've got yourself in the habit of living in the past, when the ex intrudes on your thoughts, and you've got to get yourself out of it. The best way to do this is to find someone else and you won't find this person by sitting indoors brooding. You can't change the past, you know - but you can do a lot to make sure there's a happy future.
Good luck.How do you stop thinking of an ex?
jusz rememba yuh can forgive but yuh can nevah forget...ya yuh shld move on...get sum 1 new n yuh lyfe but...yuh will alwaysz think of hym...ALWAYS!! i still thnk of ma x dat got loked up 2 yrsz ago nd isz still n nd i think of him constintly itsz not ez but...dats juzz how it iz yuh do need tu move on nd accept reality good luk...
hmmm the time to move on was two years ago. Had you done that then maybe you wouldn't be inclined to live in the past.
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