Monday, August 16, 2010

I want to get full custody of one of my two girls from my ex husband, how can I?

my ex husband has never been in my 2 year olds life, he just got out of prison and now says he wants to get to know her, but he doesn't show her love like our oldest daughter and his daughter from another woman, he wasn't there while i was pregnant with her, or when I had her. She doesn't know him, they few times she has saw him she calls his daddy because her older sister does. She doesn't get excited to see him, there is just no love there. What can I do?I want to get full custody of one of my two girls from my ex husband, how can I?
You can let her bond. What is the point of getting full custody other than to punish your husband. Is he abusing her? If not, what you can do is encourage her relationship with her father. Children with good relationships with both parents grow up happier, and I know you care more about your child's happiness than about punishing your ex.I want to get full custody of one of my two girls from my ex husband, how can I?
Nothing. You chose to have this child with him. He doesn't know her so of course he doesn't have the kind of relationship he has with the children he does know. That's his point, he wants to know her like that. You have no right to keep his child from him. Unless you can prove him an unfit parent - which is really not that easy to do - you have no choice but to allow him visitation.
you cannot deny the father visitation unless he is unfit. A judge will give it to him. But for your peace of mind, they will never take custody of your daughter from you and give it to him (unless you were unfit) it is important for children to have relationships with both parents.

I know it can be frustrating and hard but coming to terms with it makes life a little easier. GL
take it to court


you know that your children can tell the court who they want to stay with.
why don't you have custody of any of them now.. since he has been in prison..
speak to a lawyer first and dig up as much dirt on him as possible to use as ammunition. if you don't he could have her for the rest of her life, he could be telling her anything about you, making up lies and trying to eliminate you from having a relationship with your daughter. if you genuinely think that he doesn't care then do everything you can to get rid of him. what problems has he got- ex-alcoholic? ex-drug addict? has he made enemies?- find out his weakness and go from there, i.e alcoholics often go off the rails when they hit the bottle, all it take is preparation. you definitely need to do something, while a lawyer deals with it, think about all his weaknesses, we all have them. its just finding out his.

but let the law handle it first and if the lawyer doesn't think you have much a case to get your daughter back then get him good style.

hope things work out.

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