My fiance broke it off with me 1 wk. ago but, continued to call me every night for several days. Everytime he called he spoke to me about what he had done that day, etc. as if nothing was going on with us- he also, called me hun %26amp; babe. He always ended his calls by saying he would call me the next night. On Wednesday he did not call me like he said he would but, then called me the next morning from work to apologize for not calling the night before. We had a pleasant conversation %26amp; he said he needed to get back to work %26amp; said once again that he would call me that evening. That was 3 days ago %26amp; I have not heard a word. Should I call him to see if everything is alright or wait %26amp; see what he does. When he split up with me he did tell me he still loved me %26amp; that he wasn't saying things were over for good but, he needed time to take care of other things in his life %26amp; there was no time for me right now. I'm pretty sure this all has nothing to do with wanting to see someone else but, I could be fooling myself. I just don't believe that he would of been calling me %26amp; apologizing for not calling when he said he would if there was someone else. I would appreciate hearing what anyone thinks I should do for now- I don't want to call %26amp; risk possibly pushing him further away nor do I want to be made a fool of if he is checking someone else out. Just 2 days before our break he was buying me flowers %26amp; telling me how much he loved me- something just doesn't add up. Please help!Should I call my ex of 1 wk. or wait for him to contact me?
Stop keeping yourself on a string. He broke it off with you. Don't be so accessible. Don't call him. If you really want him to come back to you, you cannot be so available. Remember men are hunters....Should I call my ex of 1 wk. or wait for him to contact me?
I think he is very confused. Or you are...not sure. This is confusning.
OK, first off, if you are engaged or even dating, you don't break up with someone to work on some personal stuff. You tell the person hey, I need to work on some stuff and so I'll call you in a couple of days...and since you are his fiance you might know what that is because at this point, you know what each other is doing in life. But then for him to keep calling you...well, it's obvious he still cares and he's sending you flowers. He sounds like a good guy.
Honestly, I am glad I'm not you because I would be stumped! HA! Seriously. I don't get it.
I think you guys need to talk!!! I mean you can't wait around for weeks to see what someone else is going to do.
Mary I am not one that plays around, I don't know how you are. But I would lay the law down and get the bottom of this.
Tell him are we on or are we off? Which is it? I think something is going on and that is why he is got you at arms length but you deserve to know what it is.
If he again puts you off on what it is - I say cut it off for now. maybe if you leave him alone and not be there for him on a daily basis he will open up from being lonely and missing you.
Good luck
mmm.. you're right. Something dos'nt add up however you have to remember you are dealing with a 'martian' here :) Hopefully there is no other person involved which is unsettling him or making him feel like he is betraying you so is pulling away instead. Keep an eye out for this possibility.
As your Fiance.. I suspect he might be getting what we call 'cold feet'. Maybe things are moving too fast for him and he just needs some time and space to gain some clarity on the whole relationship. If so.. i think this is a good thing because marriage is a huge committment which both parties need to be confident and comfortable about entering. For you.. i would handle this without fear of losing him but by supporting his need for space. The power of love wins in the end. It just does and by stepping back but being supportive is an act of love in itself. Trust that whatever decision he makes is best for you to know sooner rather than later :)
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