Monday, August 16, 2010

Is it illegal to tear the prescribing doctor's name off of a prescription?

My sister and her ex are bitterly divorced. Recently (he) took their 1 year old child to the doctor for medication because he thought the child was sick. Before he took the child back to its mother, he tore the prescribing doctor's name off of the prescription bottle. Is this legal? What if the child has an allergic reaction to the medication? How would she know who the doctor was?Is it illegal to tear the prescribing doctor's name off of a prescription?
Gregg, You can always call the pharmacy. That phone number is still on the bottle, right? As well as the prescription number? They can look up the actual script that doctor wrote.

If he would have tampered with the actual script, that would be illegal. But just tearing it off the bottle is not illegal. All the info is the computer. He didn't get away with a thing. :)Is it illegal to tear the prescribing doctor's name off of a prescription?
your sister has every right %26amp; obligation to have her son visit his pediatrician...she needs to take this prescription %26amp; throw it out (actually save it for the courts), %26amp; she needs to set up an appt with the pediatrician to get a diagnosis %26amp; treatment;; she also needs to get in touch with the lawyer....

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